8/7/14 Dracolyte Edition
Trove Forums
August 8, 2014
- A new class, the Dracolyte, is now live!
- A new head option, the Dragon, is available at the Barbershop
- Adventure worlds have gotten an overhaul!
- Adventure worlds are now much bigger
- Adventure worlds now allow more players in them before creating a new one
- Adventure worlds now have more zone shapes
- Zone names no longer show up on the map in adventure worlds
- Dungeons no longer show up on the map in adventure worlds
- All adventure worlds now have a 'New Friend Finder' at the starting location. You can use this to jump to a random person in that world.
- 'Source' is now known as 'Cubits'
- Top Trovian scientists have made breakthroughs in fence cross-pollination and created corner fences!
- All fence recipes have been moved to the Haunted Workbench.
- Fixed bugs where active abilities got stuck when alt-tabbing out of the game and where abilities could get stuck when clicking on an unfocused game window
- Officers and Leaders can now rename club worlds
- You can now drag and drop clubs in the club UI to reorder their chat channels.
- Personal chests can now only be placed in Cornerstones and club worlds
- Mounts when dropped in the world no longer display both the mount and the inventory icon
- Auto-looting an item while deconstructing should no longer interrupt deconstruction
- Recipes should now always drop in recipe lairs. Really.
- The Booster Seat now costs 1625 Credits
- New items from Hei, Aviarei, NiviThePhoenix, DuskWolf, ArtyCutie, Korikabu, Stedms, Macha, Tomoki, JuicySpleen, barneebrown, Bex, and Tribe have been added to the game!
- No keys today, instead today through Sunday instant access is now at the $5 supporter tier!
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