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Featured Art Comments:
Incredible action scene and light/transparency are so mesmerizing, well done!
I really like the action pose here with Amatrix standing up and breathing badness on the unfortunate person below, I really like the attachment point of the wings, and being able to see the other side through them.
- Trovesaurus
Featured Art Comments:
Aw heck this is rad. This Grim isn’t messing around!
- Meowser
Featured Art Comments:
I love this piece! You made the robe so round and cute, nice work! ^^
Featured Art Comments:
3d and animated!?! That's some crazy skill! And you also captured the costume amazingly well, GG on making this!
Featured Art Comments:
Oooo! it's so shiny! xD Great job turning magic into metal!!
Featured Art Comments:
The facial expressions!! I love it! xD