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Featured Art Comments:
This is a beautiful fat sage about to enjoy a lovely cake... all to himself :D
- Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
I love all these chubby cuties. Well done!. personally I liked the Radiant dolphin, cause it looks so much like a chad and I love it. XD
- SkyTheVirus
Featured Art Comments:
Loving the details! Glad to see that both turkey and dragon could find some rest after the celebration :)
- Amaliena
Featured Art Comments:
A: I was blown away by how alive and joyous this art is! Beautiful capture of the hub, loving the snowmen.
B: You've captured the winter feeling exactly how it is supposed to be! Love the Penguin!
- The Trovesaurus Team
Featured Art Comments:
Ooo! Looks like something you’d put in a quilt, very lovely!
- Future
Featured Art Comments:
Absolutely love the squishy sage, it's so cute and fat and adorable, and most like the design :)