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Featured Art Comments:
I really like the big monster version and the small version, the large one reminds me when I made a shadow variant of uzumini. I really like the trident and uzu's fat belly! - TFM
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for entering the Permafrost Art Contest! However, it seems like your entry was lacking in detail, thus it doesn't quite meet our minimum effort requirements to be considered a valid entry. Looks like you did spend a lot of time on getting texture, and we hope to see more of your pieces in the future!
my entry for the permafrost contest
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for entering the Permafrost Art Contest! However, it seems like your entry was lacking in shading or detail, thus it doesn't quite meet our minimum effort requirements to be considered a valid entry. Regardless, We hope to see more from you, keep up the good work!
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for entering the Permafrost Art Contest! However, it seems like your entry was lacking in detail, thus it doesn't quite meet our minimum effort requirements to be considered a valid entry. Looks pretty good overall, maybe an NPC or two would spice up the liveliness? Keep up the good work!