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the knight defending his garden
Featured Art Comments:
Thanks for your entry in the Gardening Art Contest, we'd like to note that the quality of this entry is pretty low and that the contest runs for an entire month, we encourage you to spend time to create an entry that you are proud of and that you consider your best effort for the time provided. There are still several weeks left but as it stands this won't be considered for a contest reward. If you would like to improve and update your entry please let me know, I look forward to your growth as an artist.
Featured Art Comments:
"My name is Jel
My world is nitro and builderite"
Featured Art Comments:
The reason that i like this art is the art style and how he/she drew the smiling eel. Whenever i see this art, i always smile. And based on my artistic side, i find this great and simple. The emphasis, the contrast of colors are great perfectly balanced for an art. Also, it gave me Rick and Morty vibes for some reasons. Overall, it's cool and great that's why i chose this. - Jeybix