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Total Score: 1
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General: Etaew 8 years ago
Total Score: 2
Flux is the main currency used in trove.
General: PotatoeUnicorn 8 years ago
Total Score: 3
Did you know most dungeons and lairs are player created?
General: Evilagician 8 years ago
Total Score: 0
When put one ear bud in and watch a movie at the same time ;)
General: Magneticgod 8 years ago
in Voxel Busters club world you can craft things very fast very good for players want to craft alot of megaflux tank or rings ! /joinworld 4052790181173099611
General: UziEl 8 years ago
did you know the max magic find in this days is 2928 (24/03/2017)
Griffon Tailsman can drop only in Cursed Skylands worlds (24/3/2017 price of it 3milion flux)
SafeTime Club made for only shadow tower daughter of the moon speed runs and every week 70+ players in the top100 is from this club
the faster way to do enemies defeated weekly contest its pinata shadow tower kill the pinatas then /respawn before you kill the boss over and over again
did you know its more profit to upgrade shadow lvl 4 gear to lvl 5 and loot you will make more flux
Fortras Dragon its the only dragon thats shot under and the blast its bigger then another dragons asweel
if you want to leave global chat you can type /leave 1
to remove game effects for boost your fps you can type in chat /fxenable 0 , to bring the effects back type /fxenable 1
in the normals tomes the must profit you can make its on cybernetics catalogue tome thats give 15robots parts (around 350flux each time)
Best way to increase your mastery level is to take all your classes to experience level 20.
General: Soul_Wade 8 years ago