Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (pvp)
Good job Trovian, now get out there and keep blasting!
Bombed the first Trovian in Bomber Royale
Knocked out the first Trovian in Snowball Fight
Gold reward in Bomber Royale
Gold reward in Snowball Fight!
Silver reward in Bomber Royale!
Silver reward in Snowball Fight!
Bronze reward in Bomber Royale!
Bronze reward in Snowball Fight!
Good bombin', keep it up bro!
You are already queued to PvP.
There is no more space in that PvP queue.
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Alien Cragworld.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: The Fissure
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Geodeworld.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: The Solidarity
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on The Dojo.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: The Dojo
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on The Pit.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: The Pit
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Serenity.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: Serenity
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Radiance.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: Radiance
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Dubstep Blast.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: Dubstep Blast
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Broken Towers.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: Broken Towers
Place to queue yourself for a Private Bomber Royale which leads to a match on Troveworld.
Private Bomber Royale Gateway: Lands of Learning
Press [HK:Loot] to join or leave the queue.
Bomber Royale Gateway
You have been queued to enter PvP.
You have been removed from a PvP queue.
You are not queued for any PvP.
Climbing Claw pulls you to the location indicated.
Climbing Claw
Private Battle-Royale Queue
Gather your friends in an adventure world, and then use this device to create a private PvP Arena.
Private 1v1 Deathmatch Queue
Arms a few moments after being thrown, then explodes the next time an enemy moves close to it.
Trap Bomb
Summons allies to fight your enemies for a short amount of time.
Critter Bomb
Bomb Jump launches you into the air and damages to nearby foes.
Bomb Jump
Instantly replenishes your missing energy.
Heals over time and a slows on use.