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Language (en), File (prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia)

There will be no funny business this year.
Horns are just perfected needles when you think about it.
Fabio is... emotional, but what could you expect with us in such close proximity to the undead.
Archmage of the Wild Fae Court
I will abide the peace of the Hub and shall gladly reinstate it when the undead eventually break it.
Champion of the Wild Fae Court
SERVANT! These Fae Sugar Cubes are in no way sweet enough. You will remedy this at once or there shall be violence.
Fabio Fae La Fearso
The Qubeslys sure do hold a grudge.
Chuck Pinzo
Thank you Trovian, now I can make all new friends! You there, Fabio, sell me that dish.
Chuck Pinzo
Yarrr! Nothing better than fresh oranges and good friends!
Saltwater Sam
This food is Dino-Kick'n good!
Grrrr, hwar.
The Dino in Black
At least the Wild Fae King knows to stay on the other side of the table.
Sir Femuran
Hey boyo! Longtime no see, hope you're staying in just the right amount of trouble.
I. Do. Not. Eat. But. Still. I'm. Thankful. For. The. Thought.
Dino-Bot 1.0
Dinoboy Rex
It's odd being here alone, but at least this side of the table is calm.
There's too many choices. The houses demand less complication!
Be warned, my fury will not be stopped by a duck.
The food is too warm, at least if I wait long enough it'll cool.
Did you have to put me in between the two hate filled apex predators?
SERVANT! These are the same sugar cubes as last year! I demand fresh sugar immediately!
Cobalt Heckbug
It is good we brought the Sunseekers this year.
Last time it was heckbugs, now it's dinosaurs.
No matter how much they hide you gotta keep your good eye on ninjas, you can't trust them!
Tauri could not make it this year, I won the lottery.