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Language (en), File (prefabs_npc_events_2024)

Lunar Acolyte
High Priest Lunavic
Press [HK:Loot] to see what he can craft!
Lunar Knight Qubesly
Helps to transform various materials into items useful to the cause! Press [HK:Loot] to see what can be crafted.
Quartermaster Tauri
Meow meow, meow!
The Cat
Got any fish for my cats? Canned Jadefin is their favorite!
The Witch
Exploring the sights, natural and otherwise. Though feeling a bit peckish. [HK:Loot] to offer sustenance!
Ashen Wastes Denizen
On vacation. Enjoying the scenery, but missing food from home. [HK:Loot] to offer sustenance!
Cloud Layer Denizen
The Ashen Wastes faction represents the grounded pragmatism of the Sundered Uplands citizenry. Also healthy vegetables!
Ashen Wastes Delegate
Assistant to the Cloud Layer Delegate
Assistant to the Ashen Wastes delegate.
Twin-Eyes Terry
The Cloud Layer faction represents all that is good and right in the Sundered Uplands: pristine order & tasty food!
Cloud Layer Delegate
Press [HK:Loot] to see what can be crafted.
Qubesly the Peacemaker
I hear meowing noises coming from upstairs, who might be there?