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Snowfest 1/7: Trovian! Snowfest is here! Come meet me and my friends in the hub!
Meet Qubesly under the Tree in the Hub
Snowfest 2/7: Remember the Subzero Snowflakes? Diggsly's made a new discovery in Delves: a Subzero SHADOWflake! The Delver's Guild is busy studying this new material. Please, help my friends here in the Hub in their Snowfest efforts this year!
Complete Snowfest Daily Adventures
Snowfest 3/7: Thank you so much, Trovian! While you were helping, the Sunseekers discovered this recipe from inside of a Frosty Treasure Box they got when Donating at the Snowfest Table! Here, Claim it and learn it!
Learn the Recipe: Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Snowfest 4/7: Defeat the boss of this Delve to find The Catalytic Classics and buy a Shadowy Catalyst!
Snowfest 4/7: The last thing we need is a Shadowy Catalyst. I warn you, Trovian, it may be dangerous. But I know a Bookfriend down in the Delves who sells just such a Catalyst! Take these Delve Gateways and get me that catalyst! You'll find THE CATALYTIC CLASSICS after defeating a boss in The Understacks, they will sell you the Catalyst!
Use an Understacks Delve Gateway to buy a Shadowy Catalyst
Snowfest 5/7: According to Diggsly, now we can make the required Glashadial Shards to craft the carpet by combining Snowflakes and Shadowflakes! You can do this at the Snowfest Table next to me here in the Hub!
Craft a Glashadial Shard
Snowfest 6/7: Alright! Now you can craft the carpet! Plus, now that you know how to craft the shards, I'm getting reports that there are other recipes which can be discovered from the Frosty Treasure Box!
Craft the Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Snowfest 7/7: Nice work, Trovian! Diggsly and the Delver's Guild thank you for your investigation skills! Now equip your Stitched Snowfest Quilt take it out for a spin!
Equip the Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Complete QUBESLY'S questline to participate in the Green Game Jam event quest!
Green Game Jam '23
Green Game Jam 1/6 Trovian! The Royal denizens of Fae Forest are all salty about TRASH showing up in their dungeons! We need to study it! Go collect some SALTY TRASH from DUNGEONS in the FAE FOREST biome!
Fae Forest Dungeon
Green Game Jam 2/6 Wow, this trash IS salty! It's no wonder the Bin Chicken Commission is in town! Find and interact [HK:Loot] with one of their RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATORS at one of their their FOUNTAINS in FAE FOREST biome. They show up as Adventure Outposts on the map [HK:Map]!
Interact with Recyclic Recombobulator
Green Game Jam 3/6 There's HOW MUCH Ocean Trash?!?!? We''re going to need to help the Bin Chicken Commission, Trovian! Find SALTY TRASH from Fae Dungeons and use it to craft CRUFTCAKES at a Recyclic Recombobulator. THROW Cruftcakes from your HOTBAR at Hungry Bin Chickens in the FAE FOREST, who will then help you craft some of their coveted TIDAL TREASURES.
Acquire Tidal Treasure
Green Game Jam 4/6 Great work getting the TIDAL TREASURE. Once you obtain enough, use the RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATOR at the FOUNTAINS in FAE FOREST to craft, equip, and MOUNT [HK:EquipMount] a GARBAGE COLLECTION Mount.
Mount 'Six-Pack' or 'Magestica'
Green Game Jam 5/6 Now we're ready to rock! We found the source of the garbage, piles of NIGH IMPENETRABLE GARBAGE just floating out on the ocean! Go to TREASURE ISLES biomes and use the cannon on your GARBAGE COLLECTOR to get more SALTY TRASH!
Collect Salty Trash
Green Game Jam 6/6 Great work, Trovian! The world can be a beautiful place if we put in the effort to keep it that way! Go use the RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATOR one last time, the Bin Chickens tell me two new CRAFTABLE Garbage Collection ALLIES have arrived on the scene! Thank you again, Trovian, for doing your part!
Return to Recyclic Recombobulator
Sunfest 2019 1/8: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. It should be a happy Sunfest, but we are under attack. Come meet up with me in the hub to select a House to represent for Sunfest.
Select a Banner in the Hub
Sunfest 2019 2/8: The Sun Goddess Statue is under attack from invaders! Quickly, equip your banner, Trovian.
Equip your Banner
Sunfest 2019 3/8: Ah, Trovian, you look ready to come to the aid of the Sun Goddess. Now that you have your banner flying, you should be able to talk to your House Champion and help them defend and repair the Sun Goddess Statue.
Talk to your House Champion
Sunfest 2019 4/8: Welcome to our House, Trovian! A terrible fate has befallen us and we need your help. I have provided you an adventure to defeat Roaming Pinata Invaders. Please take care of these intruders and recollect the coins they have stolen from our treasury.
Collect House Coins
Sunfest 2019 5/8: Thank you for your assistance. While you can spend your House Coins with our Purveyor to buy new goodies for yourself, the House would really appreciate it if you donated your coins back to our treasury at the Donation Station. Qubesly said that sometimes Pinatas show up for donors, so donate early and donate often!
Donate to the Defense Effort
Sunfest 2019 6/8: There is a Pinata now, knock it out to earn some special Sunfest rewards! Remember, each donation has a chance to cause a Pinata to appear and helps us rebuild the Sun Goddess Statue.
Defeat Pinatas
Sunfest 2019 7/8: Recently, every few hours, a mysterious portal has appeared. Please venture through the next portal to see what adventures it holds. While you are there, make sure you rescue any friends you may find and defeat any lingering evil.
Combat the Mysterious Portal
Sunfest 2019 8/8: Trovian, You have proven yourself a loyal and dedicated member of our house. Our Purveyor would be honored to trade you a permanent house banner for the Chin Hairs you retrieved. Once you have your permanent banner, I would be privileged to provide you a mount to show the banner off on.
Retrieve your Permanent House Banner
Sunfest 2020 1/11: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. This marks the 5th Sunfest in a row that have been stymied by shadows. Come, join me in the hub and select the house you want to represent against the shadows this year!
Select a House in the hub
Sunfest 2020 2/11: Use that badge to show your allegiance to a specific house! Your allegiance will shine proud… at least until you switch worlds!
Use your Badge
Sunfest 2020 3/11: Ah, Trovian, you look positively ready to come to the aid of the Sun Goddess. I'm building a big beautiful bonfire to let Elysia know that she is still loved and appreciated. Unfortunately, her sister is the jealous sort and keeps sending her minions to steal from the bonfire. Talk to your champion to see how you can help.