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Language (en), File (prefabs_loot_5)
Split loyalty? Why not!
Helm of the Peacemaker
Could do with a breathing tube.
Ashen Visage
Keep an eye on the geiger counter...
Irradiant Dome
Hide your banner equipment.
Hide Banner
Point the sharp side at your foes for best results.
Pointy Podao
As fancy, as it is deadly.
Enlightened Spear
Can stay in pristine condition for centuries.
Sword of Enlightenment
Your most trustworthy friend in the shadows.
Striking Sai
Balance your thoughts before taking aim.
Enlightened Mau
It might or might not be asymmetrical.
Curled-up Yumi
Not useful for key forging, but looks good on you.
Surfaced Fragment
Hide your face behind the protective rune.
Runic Glyph
Hide your face behind the fluid rune.
Abyssal Glyph
Hide your face behind the windy rune.
Zephyr Glyph
Hide your face behind the fiery rune.
Pyric Glyph
Might steal your soul.
Gaze from Beyond
Textured for greatness.
Maxi Pattern
Chomp chomp chomp.
Chomp Chomp
Oddly enough, reduces your field of view.
Wide Side-eye
Oh, wow.
Puffer face
Just one is enough.
Enlightened Punch
Obligates your enemies to pay up.
Used even by the most powerful creatues in the Depths.
Runic Sharp Protection
You own little helper, filling your brain with sinister thoughts.
Brain Buddy
Very friendly, if you have fish food to share.
Abyssal Buddy