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Language (en), File (prefabs_loot_4)

It appears to be some sort of vegetable, but not one you're familiar with.
Spike Podder
It works similarly to a bola, if the boa has eaten recently.
Bitty Ballistic Boa
These mega-magical blossoms blast away bugs and bad guys with ease.
Empowered Flowerpot
Certain branches of alchemy focus mainly on how to make things explode.
Fae Powder Pistol
Crudely fashioned from the hollowed-out body of a young tree.
Truncated Roughbore
Pew-pews almost as fast as it chew-chews.
Fae villages take advantage of this magical tuber's ranged defense mechanism.
Spitting Spud
A compact crannequin created for combat.
Coupled Crossbow
Fragrant firepower from a beautiful flower.
Boom Bloom
Its ammo capacity will surprise you.
Nutty Seedspitter
Few can clear this hail of fire with one credit.
Bullet HellHound
Renowned firearm of a little-known retainer of the fae monarchs.
Fame's Frond
Very useful when trying to influence an enemy's next course of action.
Searing Spitballer
Lobs lethal bolts of molten fury.
Lava Launcher
Bring the burn to the throwdown.
Dragon Duellers
Hose down your foes with torrents of flame.
Scorching Flamespewer
Vintage implement of flame-breathing annihilation.
Ender Dracocaster
Embossed with a burning emblem of power.
Magmaster Gauntlet
This pyrokinetic pistol concentrates firepower into massive explosive fireballs.
Flare Flinger
Few can weather the storm of this weapon's firepower.
Basalt Rifle
Forged in the fires of the Flame Wars.
Fiendish Flamer
In wide circulation in heavily industrial civilizations.
Slag Sprayer
Melts faces and metals with equal ease.
Forgefire Flamer
Foes wither before its smothering flames.
Dire Ire
A defensive weapon for the disposal of invasive organic matter.
Pyrogenic Purifier