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This grim implement has seen so much use, it is about to breathe its last.
Decaying Decapitator
Broken countless times in battle, and countless times reforged, each time more twisted than before.
Ravaged Reminder
Every life taken is an offering to the Blood Lord.
A whip-like weapon wrought from the remains of a loathsome reptant.
Snakebone Sunderer
It commands obedience, whether the recipient is dead or alive.
Crowned Corpsebeater
Each swing is an orison to oblivion.
Supplicant Steel
Retrieved from a malignant castle that mysteriously manifests in the Prime Realms.
Rondel of Blood
The blade of a stoic spirit who guards the rest of the departed.
Graveyard Guardian
This savage weapon was borne by an infamous butcher who claimed hundreds of victims.
Bound in steel by a dark sorceror, it rages against light and shadow alike.
Chained Phantom
Exorcises all spirits present, whether rightfully or not.
Soul Sever
The smoke from this censer is so acrid it can dissolve flesh.
Toxic Tendrils
Despite the grim name, its purpose is to peacefully usher passage to the Great Beyond.
Soul Slayer
Borne by holy warriors in antiquity in their quest to cleanse the land of darkness.
Consecrated Claymore
This gothic beauty never requires cleaning, as blood and ichor slide right off the blade.
Unstained Glass Sword
Witness how the heart's desire leads even the noble and idealistic down dark paths...
Twisted Heart
Its wicked serrated blade has put an end to many a promising hero.
Bane Barb
Cleanses shadowed and weird souls to rid the world of their influence.
Profile Purifier
A malignant spirit, bound into the shape of a blade, forced to atone for its crimes.
Miscreant Manifestation
The opening in the blade resembles a piercing eye, judging all unworthy.
Glowering Glaive
Wielded by a great hero of the Frost Fae, it kept the land safe for many years.
Frozen Force
The point on this blade is like reality - cold, hard, and unyielding.
Rime Rapier
Its manufacture is as exquisite as its edge is deadly.
Glowing Glass Gladius
Frost giants use it to shave and shape snow sculptures as well as fighting.
Crenulated Ice Carver
Frozen Formicite alloys were rare and highly valued even before the Sundering.
Frozen Formicite Falchion