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A reconstructed piece of alien technology. It whirs gently, and is warm to the touch.
Data Projector
Like candy floss in water, it shimmers and disappears before your eyes.
Unstable Lunar Condensate
Takes all of your Sticks to rebuild the bonfire as big as possible!
Rebuild the Bonfire
The data storage module of an advanced... something. It appears to have recepticles for a battery and robotic I/O modules, which are no longer present, and a trapdoor to a spherical chamber.
Black Box
Radiates a constant heat. Perfect for cooking. Its magical properties allow it to be Loot Collected back into the base materials if additional embers are created.
Eternal Ember
Oddly mechanical for apparently advanced technology, but who are we to judge?
Engine Component
Day 3\n\nI'm still stomping mad at the changes. Well I sure showed them. I voted with my feet. Now it's just this cheap diary and me down here in these server tunnels.
Diary Page 1/8
Day 22\n\nI'm so hungry. My fishing rod does not work in this plasma. I can see fish in there, but they don't react to my fishing rod at all. And I think… I think I saw Avarem in the plasma. What does that even mean?\n\nI'm still hopping mad, at the changes as well as the glue in this defective diary. I will keep trying to plasma fish.
Diary Page 2/8
Day 47\n\nHuge breakthrough yesterday! I was trying to plasma fish yet again, when I got so angry. I rage-ran into a wall and spilled everything I was carrying. Somehow the Robotic Salvage mixed with Sticky Ichor and Builder knows what else, and it coated my fishing rod.\n\nWhen I calmed down I did not know where I'd run to, but found my way back to… a fishing rod that works in plasma!
Diary Page 3/8
Day 78\n\nWhat the… several pages are missing from the diary! It's the lousy glue. I'm so steamed up I might just rage this diary straight into the forge! Well, I think I have confirmed my suspicion. Avarem IS a plasma fish operating the controls of a sophisticated Trovian-suit.\n\nWhat other reason could there be for keeping the delicious secret of plasma fish from us for so long?
Diary Page 4/8
Day 96\n\nI was relaxing after a delicious meal of Carmintine Crab last night, when a real surprise happened.\n\nI heard noises down the server racks! These things power all the computations in Neon City, so the fans blow pretty loud and it's easy for someone to sneak up. There has been no one down here with me for months now.\n\nThe newcomer appears to be a pirate parrot. He seems pretty angry. But not just tempermental… that's fine of course… but somehow… evil. I will spy on him and not reveal myself.
Diary Page 5/8
Day 127\n\nThe parrot is none other than the Dread Saltwater Sam! I heard about him… he was everywhere at once with his swashbucklers. Has he quit the world as well? I thought he settled down in the Hub to run a small business. He's working on some sort of fool technology to clone himself. Good luck with that. If THAT exploit succeeds I will quit for sure. \n\nHe is hungry. Should I teach him how to plasma fish? If I do, then a clone army might actually catch Avarem. Then I could get answers to why things up there changed. \n\nHmm. Maybe I should.
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Day 235\n\nI'm so generous. I gently loot collected my lone plasma fishing rod into two pieces and hid half in the Dread Saltwater Sam's camp. OK, it was actually a fit of rage and I smashed the thing in half, but it turned out pretty well, considering. \n\nHe still does not know that I am here. But I know about him. And I think his clone army scheme is going to work. With any luck, they will be able to clone the half-rod and feed themselves, growing a strong army that will take over the world! I mean, it can't get more ruined than it already is.
Diary Page 7/8
Day 864\n\nThis is an outrage! \n\nThe clone army, bellies full with MY plasma fish, are now marching up to… to… I can't believe it. I overheard that they were going to… and this is exactly what I heard…' Make over the Fae for Rest'. A makeover? Instead of a world takeover? I'm so angry right now. Why do the Fae need a rest so badly anyways? They should be outraged like me, not resting! \n\nThat's it. I am so finished with this place. And this diary continues to lose pages – what's the point? No one will ever read this anyways. I'm finished! And I'm taking my plasma fishing secrets with me! \n\n-Kevin.
Diary Page 8/8
An organic thread of peerless strength and beauty.
Shimmering Sunsilk
The power of love you can hold in your hands! Thanks to Cubepid's magic, can be Loot Collected back into raw materials if extras are made.
Heartseeker Lure
More unusual that the average meteor fragment. Which, for you, are kinda humdrum. The half-life is short on this item.
Unusual Meteorite Fragment
A sleek brick of energy storage, oddly pristine despite uncontrolled orbital entry
Otherworldly Battery
Probably not harmful when touched at all.
Otherworldly Fuel Drop
Feather-light, flexible, and tough. Probably made on a distant rimworld in another dimension.
Plasteel Plates
It pulses with light, and when stacked, the encased energy ricochets around like a mad animal. Which is not disturbing at all.
Power Plant Segment
The shard is cold to the touch and glows from within. Its magical properties allow it to be Loot Collected back into the base materials if additional shards are created.
Shard of Pure Ice
An unusually robust, and seemingly wasteful, soldering technique makes these parts feel overbuilt. Removed from a power source, this won't survive long.
Special Robotic Salvage
Reply hazy, try again
Shadowy Solution
Capable of storing almost limitless amounts of energy. In the end, however, her research was discovered, she was banished, and her machines was smashed to pieces and hurled from the Sky Realms, to land in the oceans of the Prime, where sailors and treasure seekers find remnants of it to this day.
V6 Flux Capacitor