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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_mount)
Anachronistic, but geared up and ready for adventure.
Mount: Armored Archaeoceratops
Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength.
Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength.
Mount: Kami of Surefooted Stalking
Kami of Surefooted Stalking
A formitable challenge for even the most skilled Dino Tamer.
Mount: Duckbill Dasher
So hyped to be out and about it can't stop bouncing.
Mount: Baby 'Dillo
Most people can't handle this much awesome.
Mount: Awesome Ball
Fed on way too many sleeping victims during the warm summer nights.
Mount: Bouncy Black Bat
Bounce up to the great blue yonder.
Mount: Blue Bounder
No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger.
Mount: No-Quarter Bounder
Mount: Chubby Bunny
Packed with enough energy to blow up several dungeons.
Mount: Sugar Rusher
It may be undead, but it is still quite lively.
Mount: Bitten Kitten
Damaged during a frightful frigate battle, it still keeps a tight lid on all its loot.
Mount: Well-Travelled Treasure Chest
The ride may be bumpy, but the refreshments go down smooth.
Mount: Cruising Coconut
So sweet you'll be bouncing off the walls.
Mount: Carom Cupcake
A very practical mount for underground excursions.
Mount: Springy Dark Sporeling
Mount: Yoked Yolk
Ate too many sheep after perfecting the hunting pounce.
Mount: Paunchy Dragon Pup
A rare shadow, more interested in playing than fighting.
Mount: Bouncy Bro
Always up to some form of mischief-making.
Mount: Chocolate Chicanery
It prefers Tag over Hide-and-Seek.
Mount: Eggster Bouncer
Collect all 3 of these colored bouncing bunfest eggs
Mount: Bouncing Bunfest Egg Pastel Edition
Collect all 3 of these colored bouncing bunfest eggs
Mount: Bouncing Bunfest Egg Shanty Edition
Collect all 3 of these colored bouncing bunfest eggs
Mount: Bouncing Bunfest Egg Striped Edition
Mount: Elder Boot
This Eye of Q'bthulhu isn't one to sit idly.
Mount: Restless Eye
Not as slow as you'd expect.