
Browse client strings.

Language (en), File (prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure)

Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Budgie Buddy mounts.
Budgie Buddy Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Pink or Blue Cookiephant mounts.
Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Kami of Scorched Skies or Kami of Sheltered Shores mounts.
Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Paunchy Dragon Pup or Prodigal Peridoter mounts.
Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Chocolate Chicanery or Eggster Bouncer mounts.
Eggster Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain wintry loot or stylish presents! Has a chance of containing rare Penguin allies!
Giant's Winter Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Iguana or Giant Gila Monster mounts.
Running Reptile Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Blue Manta Ray or Green Manta Ray mounts.
Manta Ray Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Red Panda or Giant Fae Panda mounts.
Panda Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Truefire Phoenix or Balefire Phoenix mounts.
Phoenix Adventurer's Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of several rare Shadow's Eve mounts!
Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chest
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Fae Wildweaver or Orbed Weaver mounts!.
Many-Legged Adventure Box
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Frolicking Fox Spirit or Crimson-Crested Crane mounts.
Spire Spirits Adventure Box
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri or Delicious Dragon Roll mounts.
Adventurer's Bento Box
Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
Locked Adventurine Strongbox
It sounds like something scratchy is inside.
Skittering Heart Box