Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (prefabs_item_fish_water)
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Jumping Jadefin
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Blue Balladine
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Violet Verseskimmer
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Genteel Goldfish
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Crimson Siltdancer
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Thalasstian Princess
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Abyssal Gazer
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Pink Cubal
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Abyssal Angler
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Abyssal Crustacean
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Flying Pyric Darter
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Pyric Krakenspawn
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Zephyr Angler
Common Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Zephyr Nautiloid
Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Ancient Seafish
Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Dry Bones
Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Hub Hugger
Rare Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Abyssal Squid
Rare Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Rare Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Pyric Jellyfish
Rare Long Shade Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Zephyr Manta
Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Wide-eyed Noobfish
Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.
Radiant Dawnfish