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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_crafting_runecrafting)
Granted by your Leaflet.
Breaks upon completing a dungeon, spawning a bonus chest. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Abundance Rune
Breaks upon completing a dungeon, granting a buff that gives a chance to obtain Encrusted Runic Trunk when harvesting resources unique to Long Shade difficulty (15). Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Grants a chance to get an Encrusted Runic Trunk when harvesting resources unique to Long Shade difficulty (15). Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Harvest Rune
Harvest Rune
Breaks when you're hit by an attack that would kill you, triggering an explosion that knock backs enemies and roots them. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Repel Rune
Breaks when you dash, increasing attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 10 for 60 seconds. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Increases your Attack Speed by 30% and movement speed by 10.
Swift Rune
Swift Rune
Breaks when you take damage from acid, making you immune for 10 seconds. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Zephyr Rune
Found in the Candoria biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Chocolate Algae
Found in the Forbidden Spires biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Found in the Weather Wastelands biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Zephyr Coral
Found in the Cursed Vale biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Cursed Coral
Found in the Cerise Sandsea biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Pyric Coral
Found in the Desert Frontier biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Petrified Coral
Found in the Hollowed Dunes biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Abyssal Coral
Found in the Neon City and Luminopolis biomes in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Depths Coolant
Found in the Fae Forest biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Depths Mana
Found in the Jurassic Jungle biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Depths Mold
Whispered to appear in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Depths Sand
A strong-yet-light material, brimming with Runic magic. Among other uses, Runecrafters covet this material to advance their skills at the RUNE ANVIL. Found in Long Shade difficulty worlds.
Depths Core
This vessel vibrates with magical Runic energy. Used by Runecrafters to unlock their maximum power. Found within RUNIC DEPTHS VAULTS, within THE DEPTHS Delve biome.
Soul of the Depths
Found in the Medieval Highlands biome in Long Shade difficulty (15) worlds.
Surface Dried Seaweed
Breaks when you're hit by an attack that would kill you, triggering a rage that increases your damage by 20%. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Increases your damage by 20%.
Condemn Rune
Condemn Rune
Breaks when you spend all of your energy, replenishing your energy to full. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.
Focus Rune
Breaks sometimes when you deal damage. In addition hitting can trigger one of three Fury Rune buffs, increasing Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, and overall Damage. Runes create Rune Fragments when they break. Rune Fragments are used for the Runecrafting Profession and Progression tree.