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Language (en), File (prefabs_equipment)
UBER-1 Testing Staff
Relic quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-2 Testing Staff
Resplendent quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-3 Testing Staff
Shadow quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-4 Testing Staff
Shadow quality gear with doubled damage, max rolls + max exalted. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-5 Testing Staff x2
Shadow quality gear with max rolls + max exalted. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-5 Testing Staff
Uncommon quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
ADEPT Testing Sword
Rare quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
ELITE Testing Sword
DEV Sword
Epic quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
MASTER Testing Sword
Common quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
NOVICE Testing Sword
Legendary quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-1 Testing Sword
Relic quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-2 Testing Sword
Resplendent quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-3 Testing Sword
Shadow quality gear. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-4 Testing Sword
Shadow quality gear with doubled damage, max rolls + max exalted. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-5 Testing Sword x2
Shadow quality gear with max rolls + max exalted. If this is found on a live server, it's a bug!
UBER-5 Testing Sword
The Small Haberdasher's Geist,\nFrightful and scary\nIs not such a threat\nIf ye make it yer quarry.\n\nSeek ye dungeons aplenty,\nBoth uber and cold,\nIf another clue\nIs what ye wish to behold.\n\nBut cover-not yer peepers\nwith any but these,\nFor the geists' shimmer\nCamoflagues them with ease.\n\n- Q.M.
Quality Masque of Q.M.
Maintain your mystique by masking your expression.
Blind Draw
Keeps your countenance covered during covert operations.
Face: Hidey Hood
It would never leave you.
Face: Overly Attached Arachnid
This mask is encrusted with beautiful gems. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.
Gem-Encrusted Mask
The Hatastic Hat. A pain-and-a-half to craft.\nStubborn, specific, with thinking monolithic.\n\nNot deigning to be made, you just may hear it say,\n"No, my crafter. Not here, at least not on this day."\n\nDays of waiting, 'til it finally acceded,\n"I have arrived, you're welcome," it spoke, conceited.\n\nThe Highlanders they clapped, the hat arrived at last,\nOn this their day of Sun, and in their grasslands, vast.\n\n- Q.M.
The Hatastic Hat
It's party time!
Party Hat
Why would you put this on your head?
Hat: Odorous Doo Doo Head
This candy-horned cap imitates a festive fiend of wicked wile.
Reveling Chicaner