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Language (en), File (prefabs_abilities_gunslinger)
Launches the Gunslinger up into the air, damaging any nearby enemies.
Blast Jump
Good things come to those who wait.
Charged Shot
Hold Charged Shot for up to 0.85 seconds to increase its damage and radius. Applies a debuff that increases damage done to the target for 5 seconds. At max Charge when targets are below 35% health they take additional damage.
Charged Sniper Shot
Good things come to those who wait.
Charged Shot
Increases the Gunslinger's Movement Speed and Attack Speed, and allows the Gunslinger to run full speed while attacking.
Run and Gun
While in the air, damage dealt to enemies decreases the speed of the Gunslinger's descent. Dealing damage can cause the next Charged Sniper Shot to be full power without any charging time.
Lucky Shot
Reduced Falling speed
Damage dealt to enemies while airborne is increased.
Rain Destruction