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Controller has been disconnected. Please reconnect a controller to continue.
Controller has been disconnected. Please reconnect a controller for user {0} to continue.
Failed to get authentication token.
Play Trove with me
You're too young to play Trove.
Could not load the necessary data for play, please reboot your console
Could not load the necessary files for play, please reinstall the game
Chat features are blocked due to your parental settings.
Chat features are blocked due to your Parental Controls.
A connection to PlayStation™ Network is required to play.
A connection to Xbox Live is required to play.
Guest profiles are not allowed to play Trove.
The title requires PlayStation®Plus to use multiplayer features.
You must be signed into an Xbox Live Gold enabled profile with multiplayer privileges to play.
You have lost connection to the internet, please check your connection settings
Your PlayStation™Network connection has been lost. Please check your Network Settings.
Your connection to Xbox Live has been lost. Please check your Network settings.
The application services are currently down
You have been signed out of PlayStation™Network
You must remove the restrictions for viewing and sharing User-Generated Content to play the game.
The user that accepted an invite is no longer signed in
Waiting for Session
A Trove update is required! Please verify that Trove is up to date and try again.
Failed to Switch Users
Underage users cannot login between midnight and 6am.
Customer Service is currently attending to this account; please try again in five minutes.
Login rejected due to duplicate name
Login has encountered an error, please try again in a couple minutes.
Switch Profile
Success, continuing login.
Start Login
Signing in
Starting platform token fetch
Switched Accounts
The active Profile has signed out. You have been returned to the Title Screen.