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verdant light
well defended
Lets turn things up a knotch. Let the Pinzoins fall!
Trovians, whatever they're paying you, I'll pay double.
Pinzoin prices are so high, they went to the moon and are coming back!
The forecast calls for rain, Pinzoin rain!
Did Qubesly send you for his capital gains tax? Take it!
The best that money can buy!
How can you do this to me? I'm your good ol' pal Chucky P!
native to the Highlands and Fae Forests
the Hub
blue all around but purple from above
west of red
You're on the right track, or so it would seem...
... but maybe this was not what he dreamed?
When did he say it was again?
Why? Fools make themselves, Trovian
He thought *his craft* magic, a fool indeed
Solutions... Solutions...
Give the moon glasses...?
Chocolate... microscopes...?
Er, hmm...
Invest...igate... Shadowy... things...?
Curse... something...?
Veil... some... other... thing...?
... curse veils?
... cursed ... veils?
Use the Atlas ( [HK:Atlas] ) to visit a Cursed Vale World
...but what if...
... what if QUBESLY!?!?
oh, no... no... he is the one who needs this solved...
... solved... sol-u-ved... soluted...
Purge the darkness from yourself and wield your faith in the Moon Goddess as a weapon against the Shadow. - High Priest Lunavic
No child of the Moon is without light. Where you go, She walks, and Her light shines. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV
Do not shy from the dark! Let your courage shine and their attacks will lose all strength. The Moon Goddess has no equal. - Former High Priest Nicunar
Feel the fury of the Moon. Make the Shadow fear it. - Acolyte Holvinys
Elsphodel guides us, so our path is true. - High Priest Lunavic
We fight in Her stead. We hold the line. We will not fail Her. - Acolyte Sidnen
The power of the Moon is absolute. - High Priest Lunavic
The darkness is nothing before our might. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV
I will be Her spear. I shall pierce the dark with my faith and purge the Shadow and all its champions. There will be no mercy. - Acolyte Holvinys
If all should fail and our Moon Goddess remain lost do not despair. She gives us strength. When the time is right, if She has not returned, then we shall seek Her instead. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV
I have heard Her call. She is returning. We must be ready when the time comes. - High Priest Lunavic
T'was there all along in his loyal Steed.
Meander if you wish. It will be here when you're ready.