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A gift from the D'hev for helping their allies have an awesome summer.
For your assistance in the Great Trovian Bake-off event!
The Resistors thank you for your assistance.
Login every day during the Absolute D'hevistation event to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the Great Trovian Bake-off to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the A Hero Rises event to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the Luxion is Missing event to earn extra rewards!
Log in every day during the Rise of the Sunseekers event to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during the Remembrance of Reng event to earn extra rewards!
Spooky scary extra rewards for logging in during Shadow's Eve 2018!
Login every day during the Song of Petallura event to earn extra rewards!
Login every day during Sunfest 2018 event to earn extra rewards!
A tasty bonus for logging in during Turkeytopia 2018!
A gift from Qubesly for helping him search for Luxion.
Sunseeker Rowan and all Geodians thank you for your assistance.
The Cardinal Spirits thank you for honoring them and the Reng Empire.
Granted for completing a Shadow's Eve 2018 event adventure.
The light of the Sun Goddess smiles upon you, Trovian.
Granted for completing a Turkeytopia 2018 event adventure.
Teaches you to craft Turkofu Cornucopia.
Qubesly Family Turkofu Cornucopia Recipe
You can now craft Turkofu Cornucopia!
The Allies of the D'hev need your help, Trovian!
All Daily Bonuses active
Inspector Cardboard is yours to claim!
Pinzo's latest scheme is on the fritz in the Sundered Uplands.
Pinzo's Pinsly!
Stars are falling and its time to make a wish!
Lunar Plunge
Save the stars!
As the Shadow approaches its zenith the Sunseekers are looking to strike first.
Elysian Offensive
Defend against the invading Wolves of Chaos & Shadow!
Lunar Plunge '24
Get your oven mits and your spatula ready!
Bunnies? Eggs? CHOCOLATE!? Bunfest is here!
2x daily Chaos Chests from Chaos Factor!
Dormant Lunar Egg 90% off in the Store!
Lunar New Year!
+XP, +Jump, +Daily Loot Boxes, +Star Bar Payout!
Freebie Friday!
All Daily Bonuses Active EVERY DAY!
Login every day in January to craft unique rewards!