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Language (en), File (event_npcs)

Club Merchant
I hope they find that shadow soon. All these investigators are making the prince nervous.
Club Merchant Prince
Are you an investigator? I have nothing to hide, but that fellow behind the Sun Goddess Statue looks like hes up to no good.
Saltwater Sam
I saw something fishy behind the Sun Goddess Statue.
Chief Qubesly Investigator
Qubesly Investigator
Poor Diggsly, I can't imagine being parted from my shadow.
I could go for some donuts.
I hope we find that shadow soon.
Darn, I left my flashlight at home.
I saw a shady fellow behind the Sun Goddess statue, I wonder if he has any leads.
Chief said he saw someone behind the Sun Goddess statue, but I'm too scared to check.
Battle Broker
I hear Diggsly is looking for his shadow. I'll keep him safe until he finds it!
So what if Todstrom's my dad! I just want to play video games.
Dad said DotM needs Diggsly's favor but he wouldn't tell me why.
I'll trade you good stuff for Diggsly's Tokens.
I can't set foot on Geode. Not after the incident.
Those wanted signs look familiar. I saw that little shadow heading to Geode.
Shadows' Eve Barker
I prefer to be sparkly, not spooky.
I'm having a Shadow's Eve Party and everyone's invited!
Do you like my costume?
Wow! That's a lot of Candy Corn.
Trick or Treat, Trovian?
Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant and get details about Diggsly's Shadow.