Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (commands)
No matching club log entries.
{0} is not a member of club {1}
(opt last) "club" name -- club other than your primary
(opt) logtype -- view only specific log types
(opt) "page" # -- view farther back in time
(opt) "player" name -- only a particular player's logs
Usage: /clublog[club NAME]
block, blockdestruction, blockcreation,
chest, chestclub, chestofficer, chestvault,
garden, gardendestroy, gardenharvest, gardenupkeep
Log types: member, memberadd, memberleft,
fixtures, npc, rank, land, status,
Unrecognized destination {0} for account export; expected {1}.
Failed to transmit account data.
Please confirm that you want to completely overwrite everything you have on the {0} server with what you have on this server.
Failed to setup account export.
Account has been exported to {0}
Account export is not currently enabled on this server.
There are multiple possible destinations ({0}) to export to; please pick one.
Too many account exports have been attempted recently. Please wait {0} minute(s) before trying again.
Please select which server you wish to export this account to:
Set Bloom to {0}
/colorblind [k] where k is: 0 None, 1 Protanomaly, 2 Protanopia, 3 Deuteranomaly, 4 Deuteranopia 5 Grayscale
Setting color blind mode to Deuteranomaly
Setting color blind mode to Deuteranopia
Setting color blind mode to Grayscale
Setting color blind mode to None
Setting color blind mode to Protanomaly
Setting color blind mode to Protanopia
Set Depth of Field to {0}
Set Draw Distance to {0}
Set FXAA to {0}
Set Lens Distortion to {0}
Set Lens Flare to {0}
Set LOD Distance to {0}
Set Object Draw Distance to {0}
ParticleCount: {0}
ParticleDrawCalls: {0}
R.E.T.R.O.M.O.D.E disabled
R.E.T.R.O.M.O.D.E enabled
Set shader complexity to {0}
Set Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion to {0}
Supersampling at {0:F2}%%
No time lapse camera is set
Time lapse paused. Use /timelapseresume to resume
Time lapse removed
Time lapse resumed
Time lapse camera is capturing every {0:F0} seconds