video 5 -
Getting Started with Trove Modding - Video Notes page
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Position of Trove models
Voxel editors other than Qubicle have different interfaces, but the back-is-front is valid for all of them. Memorizing correct axis directions can be troublesome so just keep in mind that your edited model should always be rotated exactly same way as the model you are replacing. If you are having doubts - open the original .QB model that you got from converting blueprint of the part to .QB and doublecheck.
Importing QB files
Not all voxel editors support having multiple QBs open at the same time. Depending on your Voxel editor you might have to modify them one by one.
In most voxel editors you can drag and drop QB files from folders into your opened Voxel editor to open them. With Qubicle and Voxel shop you can drag in multiple qb files at once, but be cautious - this way it is easy to lose track of which part is which. One by one is slow, steady and fool-proof.