This guide is a quick summary of the Vengeful Pinata God, the third encounter in the Shadow Tower update.
The Vengeful Pinata God, is the Third boss in the new Shadow Tower Update. He has an increditbly high health pool, but relitively simple mechanics. As a group he should be a simple boss, solo he can be a challange due to the health pool of the adds he summons.
He is a One phase, Three Mechanic Encounter fight
- He will try to Squish you
- You can dodge backwards when he is in mid jump
- Or, you can try to step inbetween the purple lines he shoots out when he lands
- *Dodging backwards is your best option*
- He will pull back a bit, and spit out purple goo
- Dodge Through the boss
- Or, Dodge To the left or right out of the way
- He will Summon Several types of Pinata Add's
- Mele Adds
- Summer, Spring, and Rainbow
- Ranged
- Winter, and Shadow
- *There may be more, but I did not encounter them. However they will either be mele or ranged*
- Mele Adds