50% Bonus Experience Week
Trove Forums
September 8, 2015
Arriving 9/8/2015
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?61571-Patch-Notes-50-Bonus-Experience-Week!
Get 50% bonus experience all week!
- Bonus experience ends with the maintenance on Tuesday 9/15
In addition to the bonus experience, Trovians who log into the game between 12:01 AM PDT (-7 GMT) on Saturday and 11:59 PM PDT (-7 GMT) on Sunday will instantly receive a free Flask Token!
- Rotated the loot in Chaos Chests
- Using /chatlist without specifying a channel now shows you the players in your current channel (You cannot list players in Global).
- Optimizations to reduce client crashes at the start of Challenges
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