- The Fae Trickster is now available in the store!
- The Fae Wilds zones now show up in adventures!
- Two new dunegons from Folly are now in-game!
- The character sheet now shows the abilities of your active class
- You can now trade mounts purchased in the store and buy additional mounts. This will only work for mounts purchased after this patch.
- The adventure tower in the hub now has a forge and deconstructor.
- Added Infinium Crafting Bench - this is crafted at the Formicite Crafting Bench and can craft all Crafting Bench recipes.
- Moved recipes around on the crafting benches and made a few small adjustments to cost.
- Significantly reduced the cost of the Homeworld Portal.
- Journeyman adventures are now known as Adept
- Fixed the bone fortress sometimes not generating.
- There is a new quick menu available in the upper-left corner of the screen reachable by pressing X.
- Fixed bug where block loot would sometimes not get auto-looted
- Glass is now a little harder to destroy.
- Pink glass now drops as a recipe
- You no longer regenerate health when on fire.
- Fixed a bug where mesh-particles would crash some Intel graphics cards
- Biomes now have appropriately colored stone underground
- There is now an Uncanny Valley terraformer.
- /screenshot, /large_screenshot, and /timelapse now save their results in a screenshots subfolder
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