Hey all!
We added some new dungeon tech in the latest patch and I wanted to let you know how to use it!
First of all - performance. We've done a lot to make things run better in Trove, but at the end of the day there are physical limitations and we're running in to some of those. To help all dungeons run well (and therefore play well) we've added a performance number in the upper left hand corner. Not only does the number go up, but there's also a color indicator. If it's reliably red in a part of a dungeon going forward we're not going to accept the dungeon. In addition, we're planning on going back through old dungeons and cleaning up those areas that are red. If you're interested in cleaning up your old dungeon (we'll do it the best we can, but I definitely understand an author's desire to maintain control) please feel free. Just let us know you're going to do it and we'll wait for your changes.
In addition to all that, we've added some new toys to play with! You should definitely also feel free to update old dungeons with these as well. These new blocks are dynamic blocks, which means they have some type of gameplay function.
They are:
- Spikes - If a player lands on spikes it's going to hurt.
- Shooting Blocks (red and blue) - Shooting blocks shoot! They have a single facing and will shoot in that direction. In addition all red blocks shoot at the same time and all blue blocks shoot at the same time, so you can sync up that shooting.
- Jump Block - Step on this block and it will send you up and forward in the direction it's facing. This one is just for fun and won't (actively) kill the player.
Let us know how these work out, and if they seem like good additions to the toolbox we'll definitely keep adding more.
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