Welcome to the fifteenth issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations.
In this issue:
Newsweek Review [Top]
Tuesday, June 16th is the next projected day for an update to the Currently Requesting sidebar on /r/TroveCreations. There have been no new accepted lairs, dungeons, or items since the last update so there is a strong possibility that things will be unchanged or delayed (perhaps).
Around the forums, a number of discussions came up related to the Trove Creations community. First, a number of modders talked about their preferred program for creating .dds files for particle textures. See the post here.
With the annoucement that Trove will being released on Steam July 9th the question was asked whether Trove would integrate functionality with Steam's Workshop. Make your contributions to the discussion here.
Last but not least, player RiokuTheSlayer put in some serious work and coded a custom Voxel Editor to share with the Trove community. Be sure to check out his program and give him feedback to help improve where needed. Check out the post for all the details here.
Twitch.tv Stream Recaps [Top]
Friday 6/12 saw the regular weekly Trove stream. There was no item creation stream this past week (but we are due for one next week!).
Trove Livestream (Unfortunately the archive was accidentally deleted by Peanut the dog)
- Dragons were further previewed in preparation for release this Tuesday. No clear indication was given that they would be looking for player made versions especially since they have several versions on file. That shouldn't stop modders from trying though - but be mindful, there are multiple stages of development!
- Radiant was revealed as the next tier of gear after Shadow 5. Radiant gear will have vfx (though the particle effects do not appear to be in-game yet)! Expect lots of modders trying out new particle effects (especially with costume weapons).
See full livestream notes here.
Top Player Made Creations with Interviews - Week of 6/7-6/13 [Top]
As ranked by Reddit users, the following posts are the top rated creations from this past week here to give you a slice of the player-made creations from this past week. **(There is no guarantee that any of these items will be accepted in-game nor should their inclusion be understood as any type of endorsement. They are selected solely based upon their ratings by Reddit users.)
Player creator Markec1983 (IGN: Markec) offered the top-rated [Shadow Dungeon] Choco, Candy, & Jaffa. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
Well, my biggest inspiration for this shadow dungeon was a challenge to create something that I haven't created before and try to motivate players to clear the first chest (which is why I added bonus rooms with some extra loot).
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
The biggest challenge for me was to determine where the dungeon will start to generate, modeling the rooms, and trying to not repeat pathways with the same obstacles.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
If you are new, start with something simple and learn to play with new stuff as you build new things. If you stumble on a problem don't give up, there is a solution for everything.
Reversing the trend from previous weeks, there were no lairs submitted this past week.
Player creator Sargonnas_DF (IGN: Sargonnas ) offered the top-rated [Pistol] Chaos Factor. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I was looking through the Trove wiki to see what items were in the Chaos Box and I saw the model of the Chaos Box in Troxel. That's when inspiration struck.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
The biggest challenge was converting it into such a small space while retaining detail and basic shape. The box itself isn't that complex, but trying to find room for the decoration on top forced a bit of "artistic license."
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
If an idea hits you and you're at your computer, go work on it NOW. Don't wait, or you might lose it.
Lastly, a shoutout to my homies in Defiant Few, keepin it real in the hood dawg, and for all my Gs who crashed on course S1, thank you for keepin the dream alive, yo, one love, PEACE
Player creator FuzzyDF (IGN: Fuzz) offered the top-rated [Deco] Dragonfire Peak Stalagmites. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I’m an officer in the Defiant Few. Market, the founder of our club, has a huuuge dragon cave under his castle in our club world (It’s awesome, you should check it out!). Stalagmites (and Stalacites I will submit as soon as my Stalagmites are approved) would greatly improve the cave-like look down there. Since we toss ideas around which decos we need, I decided to make stalagmites and stalacites.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
The biggest challenge was to make them look like stalagmites. They start with a bigger base but the tip is pretty small. I started out with a square in the base and went from there but it often looked kinda “square-y”.
The biggest one of the set was the one I had the most problems with. My first version of it looked pretty bulky, so I had to address that. Then in the end, shading was what cost me a lot of time as well. I couldn’t use too many colors and I also wanted to make it fit the Dragonfire Peaks Biome. I’m happy with the results now though.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
This is the third item I have submitted so I am not that experienced yet, but for anyone who wants to start it’s not that complicated. The submission process seems pretty hard and very complicated to do. One of our architects (Ranen) made videos about the designing and submission process that helped greatly in understanding it.
What also helps me is building the things I want to submit in game first. In Defiant Few, we have a place called “Creator’s Island”. Anyone in our club can build their ideas on them and gather feedback on the items.
Player creator Qoaleth (IGN: Qoaleth) offered the top-rated [Deco] Traffic Cone. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
My idea for this creation was actually to be a Neon City lair - who knows, I might still make one along these lines. As for what it is, that should be pretty obvious (hint: its in the title)
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
Honestly I pulled this together in maybe 10 minutes. I got some good initial feedback to thin the shape which obviously gave it a much better profile. Other than some considerations for how it would tie into a biome it was pretty straight forward.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Honestly, I find it fairly amusing that this item was so highly voted (like, absurdly so). I mean, its fairly simple. It probably comes down to two things - it being made by a mod and maybe, just maybe, because of its functionality in a lot of club worlds that are WIP. So that's a segue into my words of inspiration - don't be bothered when people don't give you lots of votes and feedback on your items. As a community people tend to focus on the "stars" (as if I am one, ha!) and so a lot of good work gets easily overlooked. Just keep plugging along with your creations regardless of how simple or impressive they are - be a Howard Roark and not a Gail Wynand.
Community Contributions from "Polish Edition" - 6/9 [Top]
There were no new player made creations added (last added 4/28)
There were no new dungeons or lairs added in this patch (last added 5/4)
See the official patch notes here.
See updates to the item database here.
Reader Survey [Top]
Last week's poll surveyed readers about whether lairs and dungeons should be designed for certain difficulties. The overwhelming majority of respondants (15 of 26) said that this would be a good improvement to playability.
This week's poll looks to the far future and the introduction of new classes to Trove: "What weapon type do you want to be introduced next?" (See this link for some details).