8/12/14 Costume Edition
Trove Forums
August 12, 2014
- Costumes are now available in the store! Open a mystery box to get a random one or buy the one you want straight up.
- Fixed bug where sitting players sometimes appear to be standing when they are actually sitting
- Your weapons are now hidden when sitting
- New Friend Finder now generally doesn't try to find new friends near the center of a world
- Chests now take a few hits before they break open.
- Uber 4 equipment now has +1 forge level by default and U5 now has +2
- Water zones within the borders of adventure worlds now allow building and no longer hurt
- You can now leave global chat in the settings menu (you may need to restart the client for this to take effect).
- You can now hide player nameplates in the settings menu (you may need to restart the client for this to take effect).
- D9Y7-FGWR-DTF6-7G3C-W27Z
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