Those who have enabled the beta updates feature and are launching Trove through Steam will find a popup asking if they wish to link their Trion Glyph and Steam Accounts.

Why link your accounts?

As the image states

Faster Log in: Automatically log in with Steam, rather than having to enter your Trion Glyph account information.

Get Steam Items In-Game: Have items acquired through Steam delivered to you in-game.

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this could be helpful, but as someone who picked trove up after steam, i dont like it. glyph always logs in automatically anyway and then if i want to change to PTS or something this feature makes it inconvienent as it auto-launches the game to the last server you had selected. then if the server crashes all i normally gotta do is click play on glyph and it comes back in, this feature would add a couple extra steps to that

This would be a nice feature to have once it goes public, for those of us who'd been with Trove before Steam picked it up =)

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