PS4 Stability Patch May 15
Trove Forums
May 11, 2017
We're bringing the PS4 version of Trove offline on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) for a stability patch.
Downtime will be approximately 4 hours. It's possible that we'll be back online much sooner, but if we do come back on early, or need more time, we'll update this post.
Downtime Announcement: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?121964-PS4-Stability-Patch-7AM-PDT-(2PM-GMT)-May-15-2017
Patch Notes: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?121963
- Fixed memory leak with air blocks, plants and several other objects that could lead to a crash after extended periods of play.
- Fixed several multi-threading related issues with particles that could cause a frequent random crash.
- Various optimizations to prevent out of memory crashes.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when claiming a listing from the Marketplace.
- Fixed a potential crash when rendering a mesh.
- Server side fix to reduce the chance of widespread disconnections.
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