Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?112023-Trove-Livestream-Notes-11-11-2016
Welcome to the latest live stream notes thread!
"I have a rainforest in my nose right now, it's so moist" - Twixler
Second stat reroll for gear is next patch!
Rerolls 3 stats instead of 2 for a tentacle.
Particle block types that set off vfx when touched due in a few weeks
Candy Barbarian class gem bug has been fixed!
Questions and Answers Session
When is mastery 400 coming and what sort of rewards in mind?
We really did turn it up for next round, early 2017 for release.
Would you consider giving lesser gem boxes a chance at dropping empowered gems?
Maybe or possibly something related to version 2 of gems but we are looking at a change.
More gameplay content?
Always working on projects, Turkeytopia and Winterfest currently next in line for events.
A crafting option to convert prism of lights to class gem keys back and forth?
Prism will have extra rewards in the future.
Any plans to revive more API and GUI modding?
Would like to but not right now.
Open to players creating new content?
Post stuff on the forums.
There was an issue about mastery boards any update?
Aware of mastery leaderboard rewards for multiple top place players.
Easier way for dragon coins?
Definitely a more fun way on the way, so maybe.
Shadow Hydra boss, when will we see it?
Its coming with Shadow Tower 2 update.
Game optimization updates?
Latency and rubberband improvements coming soon.
When are stellar auras be tradeable/craftable?
Aiming for next year so confirmed but no ETA.
Will console players get privileges or extra rewards for being console players?
There will be a benefit for playing during console beta
If the gem reroll item is incoming and is based solely on RNG, which stat it changes can be picked?
More answers closer to launch
Boat styles?
Boat world?
Boat to boat combat?
More use for the cannons besides buoys?
More boats and sails?
Will boats become more useful one day?
Maybe one day, soon.
Higher tiered rings? When will they be added?
Avarem is looking into next round of crafting improvements.
Pinata dragon egg rate?Does the thrower have a higher chance to obtain specific drops?
The person throwing gets a higher bonus.
Any new info on the dust storage issue?
Currency tab for common currencies so it doesn't take up space in your bag.
Can we get dice recipes from the super recipe stashes?
Any info on HR changes?
Big gameplay balance update, no info yet.
More variety of dragon stats, like cooldowns and flask capacity etc etc?
Avarem likes the ideas.
Are griffons going live soon?
Yessish, Not chaos chests loot, more planning needed
Moddable audio?
Avarem says we will do it if we can but needs more tech info first
Why don't dragon bosses have wall trophies?
Hmmm good idea
More flux drains?
No specifics to how
Please can you add a command called Zonerestrict Leader?
An idea for club 2.0, things need to be tested.
Will the new inventory contain primal blocks?
They'll stay in build tab for now.