Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?112384-Trove-Livestream-Notes-18-11-2016
Welcome to the latest live stream notes thread!
Turkeytopia update for next week.
Turkey invaders per usual and turkeys that spawn in cracks of Dragonfire peaks.
New Turkeytopia event mounts:
Ready Roast and Roast Rider
New inventory tabs on PTS from next week, holds the majority of your crafting items.Up to 100m of each of the items can be stored.
Seperate tabs for "special currency" such as event items, Dragon Coins, Fragments of Wonder, Titan souls.
Flux canisters dont work with it and will be kept for personal trading for now until an implementation can be sorted for the UI.
Hourly challenge triggers a portal in the hub for you to play with up to 10 people. Different versions of the games. "Collector" game mode allows you to collect coins to try have the highest in the team and at the end you can win prizes.
Goes in place of challenges so the rewards are to be similar to that if not, the same.
Race type minigame being worked on, rings on a course, touch them all to finish the race and the quickest times go towards the rewards.
Questions and Answers Session
Any chance of extending the pinata event?
It will be coming back, so you'll get another 2 weeks to get the coins and work towards new rewards and old.
When might we get higher tiers of ringcrafting?
Crafting expansion is planned for this year but not for ringcrafting or necessarily anything with regards to power levels.
Grouping in a zone?
Matchmaking for Shadow Towers for one idea, its being looked at, no ETA
Currency transaction menu? Like exchanging credits-> flux
If there's a demand, its something that can be worked on, but we have the marketplace is the majority for that.
Will the promo mount be from the pinata coin exchange?
No one clarified which mount, so no answer*
Will you ever be able to re-roll a stat on gems?
Yes, answered previously in other notes with more details.
Will we be able to convert Season 1 class gem keys into season 2 or 3?
Don't know for sure yet what is planned, its a maybe
Why the need to change the top pinatas reward for mastery from 999 to 300, more pins makes more people happy?
300 is still a lot, every single week.
Will there be a better system for top leaderboard rewards system?
It'll be looked at, cosmetics seems to be what they are aiming for like a temporary unlock or a cosmetic name etc
Skyfire crown plz?
Style stash will unlock it for you, soon
Any other uses for pinata coins?
Yes they, will be coming "soon"
Any update patron points system?
Probably not, might add more rewards, not sure
Turkey dragon for thanksgiving?
More alpha and beta rewards?
We are way past that
Fish are default locked in collector,can this change?
Will try fix that
Reverse sort loot collector?
Would be cool to do but need to sort other UI stuff first.
New tier of weapons?
Maybe, we want to do some other stuff for weapons, so maybe next year.
When is the PS4/XBox One console release date?
No info as of yet, still hidden.
Buy colour name changes?
Earn not buy
ETA for shadow towers?
Early next year