From Tuesday 2016-10-25, you can install mods directly from Steam Workshop. This guide will tell you exactly how and what you can do with steam workshop.
Subscribing to Mods will install the mod for PTS and for Live! Also, keep in mind that each mod will change the look of a specific item. So you’ll need the original item unlocked to use the mod.
You can access steam workshop from the Steam Client or the Steam Overlay. The way to install mods is the identical.
How to access the workshop?
You can either open the Steam overlay (Shift+Tab) or go to the Trove page in your library. Click on [Community Hub].
When the community hub has loaded, click the [Workshop] tab.
How to Search or Browse Mods
When on the workshop page of Trove, you can use the [Search]-function (1) or Browse all [Items] (2).
Another way: browsing by tags. Besides the default tags for each type of mod, specific biome-tags and costume tags are also available. Once you click a tag the interface will change somewhat; you can select a multitude of combined tags to find specifically what you want/need. New tags might be added in the future.
Look around, find a nice mod, and install it... how? read on.
How to (un)install mods
Click on the item of your choice and a new page will load. Scroll down to see the [+ Subscribe]-button. Click this button and restart the game. The .tmod will be loaded within the [Mods] interface. If you want to uninstall the mod, click the [Subscribed]-button to unsubscribe.
Other things you can do on Steam workshop
On a specific mod page you can:
- Rate the mod, if you like a mod Thumbs up!
- Set a mod as favorite
- Share the mod
- Add the mod to a collection
- Report the mod for violation of Steam Online Conduct rules
- Leave comments
- Discuss the mod

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Hi, to help you out in any way I do have some questions:
- Which mods did you download
- Where did you put those mods
- Do they show up in the mods menu (press escape)
- Are they enabled there
- Do you have the original collection item equipped?