Got Mouse lags issues after the update? Trove freeze every 5-10 secs?
As I wrote in the Multithreaded Bug report thread on Trove Main Forum:
Guys, I spotted the issue why Multithreaded makes trove free for a few sec every 10-20mins.
It's because the game is automatically set to High Priority in Task Manager... I don't know why but I can't fix it with Turning off Multithreaded so I tried some auto priority and they can't even work with trove...
I have to do it manually and the problem is fixed, this problem should've happened with people with 2 cores or less... I wonder why Trion did this, pls bring me back :<<<
I think the jungle thingy update added this "feature" which people don't need...
I hope the developers will see my post and explain to us why they did that?P/s: High Priority means u got some heat on your CPU ~> Lag over time...
P/s2: CPU lags ~> Mouse lags or camera lags because your CPU is lag, it freezes for a few sec and the mouse input gets longer
So basically all you have to do is go to your Task Manager (Right click on Start bar and click Task Manager). Tab Process, right click on Trove.exe ~~> Set Priority ~> Normal...
This has to be REPEATED everytime you open trove, which is kind of sad... :<<<
And it could fix some Freeze and crash problems too, I can't gather enough information about those crashes with multithreaded stuff...
If the option above was not fixed the mouse lags or game freezes for you, then the problem could be razer services or software problem, or just your CPU is overheating. In case of overheating CPU,"COMBINE" them with one of these method:
(Check Temp with Speed Fan)
Download Speed Fan Here
1. Reduce Power of your CPU:
Go to Control Panel > Power Settings > Change Plan Settings > Change Advance Power Settings > Processor Power Management > Maximum Processor State > Reduce the settings from 100% to 95 or 90... Or even lower like 85 if your CPU is still heating up above 50 Celsius Degrees...
2. If you experience lags (reduced FPS) with the option above, then you could try this method instead:
Download BES:
Download BES Here
Install it, then open it everytime you start Trove and do this:
Target > Trove.exe > Limit this
And then click the "Control" button and set the following settings:
Target #1 (Trove.exe or any software you want to settings) > Pull the sliders to 5% -10% (Recommended 5% for nice FPS) > Change "Target Sleep/awake cycle" To "40" > Close.
REPEAT everytime u open Trove.
(Fun fact, this method will increase FPS for computer with 2 cores or less)
That's it guys, hope u enjoy the nice mouse movement!
P/s: I hope dev will notice this and remove the Priority Automation...

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If the issue causing the lag is your CPU over heating, then the cooling capabilities of your heat-sink is the problem. Not the fact that the Devs increased the priority of the process.
If you are seeing this issue, and the tools the OP provided show your computer is getting too hot, please, first thing to do is to thoroughly clean all of the fans and the inside of the computer. Give your computer a fighting chance to get rid of the heat first. If you are a bit more adventurous, try redoing the thermal paste in between the heat-sink and the CPU itself. There are plenty of guides on how to do this, I trust you can find them.