Greetings, Trovian! With the Mantle of Power expansion the highest possible gear quality is now Stellar. This guide will explain how to upgrade any Radiant 5 star gear into Stellar.
What do i need?
Here is a full list of the items that you will need:
Any Radiant equipment upgraded to 5 stars
Access to a Forge
2 Radiant Soul
10 Shaper's Star
My gear is not radiant 5 star yet! how can i upgrade it?
We have a guide here, on Trovesaurus:
Note: "How to get 5 star radiant gear" guide is not written by me, all credits go to the original author.
where can i find a forge?
A forge can be placed in both Cornerstones and Club worlds. If you do not have the resources or your club doesn't have one, then you are free to use the one at my club - Trove School (type in your ingame chat /joinworld Trove School to be instantly teleported to the club).
how can i obtain radiant soul?
Radiant Souls are simply obtained by loot collecting any Radiant gear.
how can i obtain shaper's star?
To obtain Shaper's Star you must have at least 5 Titan Souls (the souls you receive for defeating a Shadow Tower boss once a week). The Titan Souls are not used directly, you will need them to obtain a Shaper's Star Key from the Shadowy Market (found after each stage of a Shadow Tower).
The Shaper's Star Key is used to open an Everdark Vault which spawns after defeating the colosseum (defeat 3 Shadow Golems and survive for 1 minute). You will receive 2 Shaper's Star in Uber 8 (requires 5000+ Power Rank) or 3 in Uber 9 (requires 10000+ Power Rank).
I have all items required! now what?
Open the Forge and put the Radiant that you want to upgrade to Stellar into it. Press the UPGRADE button and done, you have your first Stellar!