- Mag Rail tracks now play nice with Cornerstones
- A new Tundra dungeon made by Uniquisher and Barneebrown is now available in adventure worlds.
- A new Highlands dungeon made by Barneebrown is now available in adventure worlds.
- A new Frontier lair made by Folly is now available in adventure worlds.
- Fixed a bug where new recipes weren't dropping
- Some visual polish on the outlines
- Names now always appear above character's heads. This has some polish work still left to do.
- We will be increasing the price of the Booster Seat in the next patch
- There is a new character sheet. You can use it to modify and view your equipment and change your class skins
- The friends list now has a tab for ignored players
- Fixed a bug when changing a key binding in settings didn't immediately update that binding.
- The Club Card now costs significantly fewer resources to craft.
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