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A small list of uses

A list of uses that may help you when you build stuff.


The list for rails:

  1. To listen to the sounds created when using a dance pad
  2. To listen to music using Note blocks
  3. A slow method of accurate transport
  4. To make rollercoasters (that will probably break)
  5. To use as deco
  6. To use for many glitches (one block space)
  7. To use to view club worlds without having to move.

The list for Liquids

  1. To use boats on for transport
  2. To use as a quick lift by using boats
  3. To use to jump higher
  4. To use for fishing
  5. To use to hide stuff behind.
  6. To use for killing (lava)
  7. To use for style
  8. To use as lighting
  9. To use for making boat races.
  10. To fall without fall damage
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