Dragon Onis but jaws are fixed Not Submitted

Mod Description

Gys-gys! i'v fond dat Dagon Onis" jawss r brokn so i'v decied to fics tem alon wih ametyst's tropy and masc sinze dey ar bazet on NPC and mast be similir!! Enjoi my firs creted mod!

Ok, let's be serious. There's no reasonable and serious reasons behind this thing. I've had a bad day, and was needed to light it up a bit by doing something weird. Enjoy "Anti-fix" first mod!! If these mods are welcomed - then might do more of them just for fun)) 😄

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 5+
    • c_m_biped_tail_dragoni_blue_jaw
    • c_m_biped_tail_dragoni_green_jaw
    • c_m_biped_tail_dragoni_red_jaw
    • deco_trophy_dragoni_purple
    • equipment_face_mask_058
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Created: January 28, 2021

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,739

Downloads: 13

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