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Mastery for Dummies

 Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jackson (or in Trove I'm known as NumbahJuan) and I'm a farely newer player to Trove. Today I have sweet and simple guide on ways to gain mastery very quickly on your account in the game that we al...

August 18, 2015 Mastery

A Beginners Guide: Trove Forging 101

Welcome to Trove Forging 101! This guide will give you an introduction of Trove's forging system. We will talk about: Item Rarity Forging Mechanics Class Builds&Tips Remember this guide is meant for newer players so we will include ve...

August 17, 2015 Gear

The Million Dollar Secret - How to: Maximize your Flux Income (Book 1)

The winners way to millions   [Not an actual book]  My shpelling m!ght n0t b3 yOUR flav0r....

August 16, 2015 Gear

Safe Trading (how to trade safely in the world of trove whilst also having fun). Guide competition entry

This guide contains tips on safe trading and making sure you dont get scammed....

August 16, 2015 Trading

Troves Guide to Gear (Obtaining, Stats and Upgrading)

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about obtaining the best gear, upgrading it, and getting the stats you desire....

August 14, 2015 Gear

Best places to farm certain materials

Hi guys I'm Shinzo from Spirited Away. I have always find it weird that this kind of guide doesn't exist yet so I'm making one myself! I'll list only most popular items from most popular to least popular, and excludes color blocks. Note that outside of fa...

August 14, 2015 Farming

Pimp my Mastery Level

All you need to know about Mastery and how to rais your MasteryLvl easy & quick....

August 14, 2015 Mastery

Safe Trading - Navigating the Scary World of Value

This is a brief Guide to trading,scams and the real world risks with easy you links and resources...

August 14, 2015 Trading