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.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-154 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 956291959650152458 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Vfx like pyrodisc and bard battle song bug out when dying or changing characters/form [color] => 15871 [timestamp] => 2022-03-23T20:42:50.123000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => SlouchingPotato [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => Xbox [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => Expect the vfx to fade out as normal [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => While battle song is going for bard if I die the vfx for the battle song go all over the place, same for pyrodisc gem effect [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Play as bard, get to battle song ult and while your character is still moving type /respawn and see the vfx go flying Another bug is with pyrodisc, while your character is moving if you die while the vfx for the effect are still going they go all over the place [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by SlouchingPotato#0384 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-23T20:42:50.226000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
Trove IGN
Expect the vfx to fade out as normal
While battle song is going for bard if I die the vfx for the battle song go all over the place, same for pyrodisc gem effect
Reproduction Steps
Play as bard, get to battle song ult and while your character is still moving type /respawn and see the vfx go flying Another bug is with pyrodisc, while your character is moving if you die while the vfx for the effect are still going they go all over the place
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-153 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 956171945756471316 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Loot collector and npc text boxes don't display console buttons on depth steppers [color] => 16711932 [timestamp] => 2022-03-23T12:45:56.575000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => SlouchingPotato [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => Xbox [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => The console button to be shown as normal with the rest of the description [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Checking the loot collector and the hub npcs that sell depth steppers [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Obtain a depth stepper portal and look in the loot collector at its description or check the hub npc that sells depth steppers (gateway gladys or rokatan) and see their descriptions are messed up [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by SlouchingPotato#0384 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-23T12:45:56.684000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
The console button to be shown as normal with the rest of the description
Checking the loot collector and the hub npcs that sell depth steppers
Obtain a depth stepper portal and look in the loot collector at its description or check the hub npc that sells depth steppers (gateway gladys or rokatan) and see their descriptions are messed up
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-151 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 955925258106454067 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Chloromancer gatlings missing the majority of their shots against certain delve bosses with the Gladiator deltalith (WP and Pin most obvious examples) [color] => 16730880 [timestamp] => 2022-03-22T20:25:41.643000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Boldd [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => Expected the shots to hit the boss and deal damage like it does on any other boss [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Trying to clear depth 178 this week with Chloromancer as you'd do on most bosses. However the boss took almost no damage as most shots missed [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Enter delve with Gladiator WP or Pinata (Challenge delve depth 178 in the week of 21 March - 27 March) Place down chloromancer gatlings and see the shots go right through the boss [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Boldd#1469 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-22T20:25:41.765000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
Expected the shots to hit the boss and deal damage like it does on any other boss
Trying to clear depth 178 this week with Chloromancer as you'd do on most bosses. However the boss took almost no damage as most shots missed
Enter delve with Gladiator WP or Pinata (Challenge delve depth 178 in the week of 21 March - 27 March) Place down chloromancer gatlings and see the shots go right through the boss
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-144 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 954791555607166976 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** sometimes a dungeon will appear as completed in map and also have the red cross on top despite it not being completed [color] => 16739072 [timestamp] => 2022-03-19T17:20:45.910000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => to see uncleared dungeons cleared if they are cleared and not if they aren't [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => farming on U10 Topside during a stream, in a fresh new world being in there for around 6 minutes [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => go into U10 Topside and look for "cleared" dungeons checking if they are in fact cleared or not [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-19T17:20:46.026000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
to see uncleared dungeons cleared if they are cleared and not if they aren't
farming on U10 Topside during a stream, in a fresh new world being in there for around 6 minutes
go into U10 Topside and look for "cleared" dungeons checking if they are in fact cleared or not
Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 954790318887272478 [type] => 0 [content] => <:SadCute:909422561908101170> [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-19T17:15:51.169000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-155 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 956896662373154856 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Shadow Hunter Seekers aren't distributed properly [color] => 16729856 [timestamp] => 2022-03-25T12:45:42.478000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => Seekers being distributed after its cooldown to each Shadow Hunter on said environment [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => when multiple Shadow Hunters are attacking a single enemy, environments like a Leviathan or a Delve boss, seekers are distributed randomly as opposed to when you're the only one attacking, being given after an internal cooldown [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => -get multiple Shadow Hunters (x7+) with its class gem preferably to attack to a single enemy -check the seeker counter and compare to single results [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-25T12:45:42.590000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
Seekers being distributed after its cooldown to each Shadow Hunter on said environment
when multiple Shadow Hunters are attacking a single enemy, environments like a Leviathan or a Delve boss, seekers are distributed randomly as opposed to when you're the only one attacking, being given after an internal cooldown
-get multiple Shadow Hunters (x7+) with its class gem preferably to attack to a single enemy -check the seeker counter and compare to single results
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-163 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 961662813049339934 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** when searching for "Hide Collected" items on marketplace some can't appear despite them being not collected [color] => 6095103 [timestamp] => 2022-04-07T16:24:41.370000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => all uncollected rubber bomb skins appearing when in Hide Collected [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => when searching for the new rubber bomb styles on marketplace, if I check "Hide Collected" they won't appear [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => search for "bunfest surprise" and check "hide collected", check if they appear [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-07T16:24:41.462000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
all uncollected rubber bomb skins appearing when in Hide Collected
when searching for the new rubber bomb styles on marketplace, if I check "Hide Collected" they won't appear
search for "bunfest surprise" and check "hide collected", check if they appear
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-165 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 964408751551570021 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Starfish Skimmer is not collected with Chaotic Collection Stash [color] => 16712192 [timestamp] => 2022-04-15T06:16:04.191000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => WhaleShark [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => I didn't unlock Starfish Skimmer after saturating the stashes until they said all items were collected [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => I was using Chaotic Collection Stashes to get Chaos Chest Collectibles [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Have Starfish Skimmer uncollected Buy a Chaos Collection Stash from the store Try to unlock starfish skimmer with them [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Sly#2576 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-15T06:16:04.218000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
I didn't unlock Starfish Skimmer after saturating the stashes until they said all items were collected
I was using Chaotic Collection Stashes to get Chaos Chest Collectibles
Have Starfish Skimmer uncollected Buy a Chaos Collection Stash from the store Try to unlock starfish skimmer with them
Asled 3 years ago Ticket T-212 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 966281779294142514 [type] => 0 [content] => just want to know if this how its supposed to be [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 684514707301990414 [username] => Asled [avatar] => cf742dc3f52d45303f6c8c58a88f871c [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 9190 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 966281778019061760 [filename] => SS.mp4 [size] => 1842751 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 [content_type] => video/mp4 ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-20T10:18:48.831000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
just want to know if this how its supposed to be
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-170 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 967410506572922911 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** items on the hotbar sometimes gets moved around when said items are moved in the inventory [color] => 65431 [timestamp] => 2022-04-23T13:03:58.262000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => hotbar items to stay still on their position on every circumstance [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => doing any movement on the inventory, that is for example hitting the order button [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => set two items on the two sets of the hotbar, move them around between them just like in the linked video [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-23T13:03:58.385000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
hotbar items to stay still on their position on every circumstance
doing any movement on the inventory, that is for example hitting the order button
set two items on the two sets of the hotbar, move them around between them just like in the linked video
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-180 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 970019064804180019 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Incorrect full delve gateway message [color] => 6029056 [timestamp] => 2022-04-30T17:49:26.971000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => SlouchingPotato [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => Xbox [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => A message to appear that the queue is full [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Trying to enter a delve gateway that had a lot of players near it [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Get more than 8 players for 1 gateway and notice in the bottom right corner that an incorrect message appears [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by SlouchingPotato#0384 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-30T17:49:27.132000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
A message to appear that the queue is full
Trying to enter a delve gateway that had a lot of players near it
Get more than 8 players for 1 gateway and notice in the bottom right corner that an incorrect message appears