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Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 948646914340028447 [type] => 0 [content] => If you are trying to get it to happen [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:24:09.386000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
If you are trying to get it to happen
Array ( [id] => 948646875366559775 [type] => 0 [content] => It's not always that will happen [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:24:00.094000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
It's not always that will happen
Slug Hard 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 948614155156471848 [type] => 0 [content] => Any idea how to reproduce this? It doesn't seem like it's just down to equipping the wings and using them [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 64851633682518016 [username] => Slug Hard [avatar] => b326857eaf7121b94bf30236492b4946 [discriminator] => 6157 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 401003748190584833 [username] => Mx [avatar] => 3dad420edb1ae217364ab244e7816faa [discriminator] => 0025 [public_flags] => 64 ) ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T16:13:58.988000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) [message_reference] => Array ( [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [guild_id] => 118027756075220992 [message_id] => 948372791479123968 ) [referenced_message] => Array ( [id] => 948372791479123968 [type] => 0 [content] => White Hot Wings' left wing seems to follow the camera (Extremely sorry for the poor quality) [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 401003748190584833 [username] => Mx [avatar] => 3dad420edb1ae217364ab244e7816faa [discriminator] => 0025 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 948372789994352640 [filename] => insecta.mp4 [size] => 6503415 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 [content_type] => video/mp4 ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T00:14:53.403000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => 2022-03-02T00:16:29.390000+00:00 [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) ) )
Any idea how to reproduce this? It doesn't seem like it's just down to equipping the wings and using them
Saltwater_sam 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 948462420702134314 [type] => 0 [content] => To be fair, you used a mod that allows you to open/click more rapidly. [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 119552665578504192 [username] => Saltwater_sam [avatar] => ca3a6836521fb9d54d1b9f5e3d20fb85 [discriminator] => 2738 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T06:11:02.675000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => 2022-03-02T06:15:12.146000+00:00 [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
To be fair, you used a mod that allows you to open/click more rapidly.
Bal_kan 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 948443333825527848 [type] => 0 [content] => btw even after relogging they are still gone [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 239284560142139393 [username] => Bal_kan [avatar] => e6a4ffa65edd3d05639ddaa542dfb412 [discriminator] => 5905 [public_flags] => 128 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T04:55:12.009000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
btw even after relogging they are still gone
Array ( [id] => 948646993222336612 [type] => 0 [content] => I guess restarting over and over should make those assets load poorly eventually? [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:24:28.193000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:25:06.714000+00:00 [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
I guess restarting over and over should make those assets load poorly eventually?
Array ( [id] => 948647263767502878 [type] => 0 [content] => . [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:25:32.696000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) [message_reference] => Array ( [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [guild_id] => 118027756075220992 [message_id] => 922199908986028062 ) [referenced_message] => Array ( [id] => 922199908986028062 [type] => 0 [content] => VFX of Celestial Paragon wings not consistent. Happens on all characters at random times, requires relogging to fix, occasionally comes back after a minute or two [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 757184798073815051 [username] => DulcisUltio [avatar] => 35985ae39782b126faf38a1ca6ffa5a9 [discriminator] => 9751 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 922199908025516112 [filename] => 2021-12-19_185026.png [size] => 1460038 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [content_type] => image/png ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2021-12-19T18:53:11.948000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) ) )
Array ( [id] => 948647325344083969 [type] => 0 [content] => . [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:25:47.377000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) [message_reference] => Array ( [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [guild_id] => 118027756075220992 [message_id] => 907786998864035851 ) [referenced_message] => Array ( [id] => 907786998864035851 [type] => 0 [content] => what my wings doin? [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 309484411987034115 [username] => Argenteux [avatar] => cfd0de01d0d77b31ffe2b2cc69bbab31 [discriminator] => 8683 [public_flags] => 256 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 907786998402666547 [filename] => unknown.png [size] => 385911 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 749 [height] => 477 [content_type] => image/png ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2021-11-10T00:21:26.396000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) ) )
Array ( [id] => 948647368973221919 [type] => 0 [content] => . [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:25:57.779000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) [message_reference] => Array ( [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [guild_id] => 118027756075220992 [message_id] => 815220870721175562 ) [referenced_message] => Array ( [id] => 815220870721175562 [type] => 0 [content] => Is it normal that the right wing is broken like that? It only happened to me with these kind of wings, all the others seemed to be completely fine. [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 331900219719680001 [username] => BalanceWithinDuality [avatar] => 7b1be88a97d3e54183ca9049e0953fc5 [discriminator] => 5410 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 815220867059023912 [filename] => image0.jpg [size] => 685841 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 4032 [height] => 3024 [content_type] => image/jpeg ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2021-02-27T13:56:41.651000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => 2021-02-27T13:56:59.835000+00:00 [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) ) )
Array ( [id] => 948647451227721728 [type] => 0 [content] => in some cases it's the mesh? I think that's what it's called [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 565097923025567755 [username] => Sly [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714 [discriminator] => 0511 [public_flags] => 64 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:26:17.390000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
in some cases it's the mesh? I think that's what it's called
Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 948649806824349787 [type] => 0 [content] => in most cases it's the left wing that fails for some weird reason [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 211873278728339457 [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812 [discriminator] => 2977 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-03-02T18:35:39.008000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
in most cases it's the left wing that fails for some weird reason