Looking for KIWIBIRD info....Hotfix/patch/maintenance 16th !!!!!

Author: Unknown! , Created: 16-Dec-2014 10:47 AM View on Web Archive


16-Dec-2014 10:47 AM


Kiwi 0w0 haha thanks


16-Dec-2014 10:53 AM


I find patch, it very hot, look kiwi said it's hot and patching! http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?5411-Hotfix-12-16-14-7-00-AM-PST


16-Dec-2014 10:59 AM


30 minutes more?! This is an outrage!!!!1!1!111q [/sarcasm]

Hey there folks, very sorry about that! The estimated downtime is three hours, and the servers should be coming up shortly.

It'll be worth the wait! :o http://i.imgur.com/AW8dDKy.gif