Additional Updates
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Paragon rollover display to break. Additionally it will no longer show until the player has rolled over at least once.
  • Killing Leviathans (Lobstroso, Timmense, and Ifera) in Delves now counts towards the Leviathan badge as well as the "Daily Leviathans Killed" leaderboard.
  • Lobstroso in a Delve at Uber 8+ depth will now drop a Fragile Chitin Torch and have a small chance at dropping: its mount unlocker, its hovercycle recipe, and/or an Ancient Chitin Torch.
  • Timmense in a Delve at Uber 9+ depth will now drop a Fragile Seasinew Torch and have a small chance at dropping: its mount unlocker, its hovercycle recipe, and/or an Enchanted Seasinew Torch.
  • Ifera in a Delve at Uber 10+ depth will now drop a Fragile Tendril Torch and have a small chance at dropping: its mount unlocker, its hovercycle recipe, and/or an Enshadowed Tendril Torch.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some enemies to stop attacking the player.
  • Added 9 additional dev allies under the Dev Dream category.
  • Placed but unchanged Adaptable Mimic Blocks do not revert to their more basic cousins when mined.
  • PVP matches in club worlds should be accessible again.