Additional Updates
  • [PTS] the previous change of "giving players 1 primal paragon pinata's worth of loot" upon earning a prime level has been reverted, instead:
    • In addition to the standard Trovian Loop and Primal Loop, players receive an random chance for additional rewards when earning Prime Paragon Levels.
    • These rewards can include most of the items from the Pinatas (generally at a higher drop chance), but will not drop ore, glim, flux, the style unlockers or pinata mount
    • They can also rarely drop Primal Paragon Cubes, and will extremely rarely drop Golden Signatory ringboxes for your current class.
  • The chance to receive Trovian Loops and Primal Loops has been increased (both for throwers and non-throwers). These, too, will extremely rarely drop Golden Signatory Ringboxes for the players who threw them.
  • When crafting new Signatory ringboxes, there is a small chance that the quality (standard, Royal, Gilded, etc.) will be upgraded to the next tier. This includes the chance for a Golden ringbox, guaranteeing a Crystal 4 ring.
  • The time to craft these boxes has been reduced from 1.5s to 0.25s.
  • Fixed an issue with one visual/name variant of the Pirate Captain's Signatory rings.
  • The weekly Primal Paragon Cube recipe can now be crafted 3 times per week (increased from 1.)
  • The weekly Primal Paragon Cube recipe now has unique text calling out the crafting limit.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some recipes from showing up.