Additional Updates
  • 2 new tiers of Signatory ringboxes can be crafted at the Ringcrafter's Bench: Royal and Gilded.
  • Royal ringboxes guarantee a Crystal 2 or better ring, and Gilded guarantee a Crystal 3 or better ring.
  • These require 5 Ringcrafter's Tickets or 5 Gilded Ringcrafter's Tickets to craft, which can be obtained by loot collecting crystal rings:
    • Crystal 1 rings give 1 Ringcrafter's Ticket
    • Crystal 2 rings give 5 Ringcrafter's Tickets
    • Crystal 3 rings give 1 Gilded Ringcrafter's Ticket
    • Crystal 4 rings give 5 Gilded Ringcrafter's Ticket
  • Neither Health Regeneration nor Stability can appear on Crystal rings [PTS: old rings will still have these stats]
  • Primal Paragon Cubes can now be crafted at the Paragon Workbench for 15 Trovian loops, or, once per week, for 10 Trovian Loops.
  • The chance to receive a basic Trovian loop for non-throwing players of Primal Paragon Pinatas has been increased.
  • A chance for non-throwing players of Primal Paragon Pinatas to receive Primal Loops has been added.
  • Fixed the /xp command to display properly for Paragon levels.
  • Adjusted the VFX on Paragon level up.
  • The enchanted wood cost for the Paragon Decobox has been reduced.
  • Added the extra Polish time on Hidden Effects to the Patron tab in the store.
  • Adjusted the thrusters for the Afterburn mount.
  • [PTS only] Possibly resolved class gem keys constantly being regiven on PTS.