PTS Patch Notes - December 14, 2016

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


Unknown Date!


You are totally right. My bad. The new inventory system really does help a lot.


Unknown Date!


For me, character inventory expansion has never been about crafting materials, it's entirely about being able to kill more monsters and run more dungeons before dropping a cornerstone and breaking...


Additional Updates
  • Fix for the slow scrolling in collections and friends list.
  • Fix for kokori and the aura from the chaos chest not deconstructing. Fix for chaos clipper and chaos galleon not being non tradable from the chaos chest.
  • Since the value of these items are decreasing we have removed non tradable class coin and inventory expander from rare table of daily lockboxes.
  • Adjusting the time values for the racing minigame and giving a little more leniency to wing collision with rings to make it more forgiving.


Quote Originally Posted by spar13 View Post
Uhm. I don't see the value of these decreasing. It will still be hard for new players to get inventory expanders if they don't have flux. I'd prefer you add them to the chaos table/core table if you really think they're devalued. You're once again requiring people to spend money in order to obtain them. You just stated on the last stream that we can stop complaining as class coins no longer require people to buy them with real money.
Ahh, for the inventory expansion I actually expect it is less valuable now since much more goes to the crafting inventory.

Class coins will go down for obvious reasons, as the classes are reasonably earnable in-game.